Commercial Property

Commercial Property Insurance for shopping centers, and hotels.

What is Commercial
Property Insurance?

Commercial property is any property used for business purposes, such as shopping centers, malls, retails stores, hotels, office buildings, vacant lots designated as commercial property by a local government, and many more. Commercial Property Insurance protects your company’s physical properties from fire, burst pipes, explosions, theft, and vandalism.

Earthquakes and floods generally are not covered by Commercial Property Insurance unless added to the policy. As a business owner, it is important to protect your physical from property damages that can cause overwhelming financial losses.

What does Commercial Property Insurance Cover?

Commercial Property Insurance, also called Business Property Insurance, provides coverage for all types of properties. It protects all contents, including exterior fixtures, fences, or outdoor signs. Business Property Insurance also covers damages from fire, storms, burst pipes, theft, and vandalism.

To put this into detail, here is a list of what Commercial Property Insurance Cover:

Business Owned Buildings

In case of fire, theft, or vandalism damages your owned or rented building, Commercial Property Insurance will cover the expenses you need to repair your property.

Furniture and Fixtures

Business owned items inside your building, such as furniture or other installed fixtures, are included in Commercial Property coverage.

Supplies and Equipment:

Business Property Insurance also pays for repairs or replacements in case raw materials, machinery, computers, and other materials you use for your business get damaged or destroyed.


The inventory you keep in stock, important documents, and records are under the coverage of Business Property Insurance.

What does Commercial Property Insurance Cover?
What Does Commercial Property Insurance Not Cover?

What Does Commercial
Property Insurance Not Cover?

There are other types of property damages that Commercial Property Insurance doesn’t cover. Your insurance coverage will not compensate for the following:

Business interruption costs

That are not caused by physical damages such as business closure due to government mandate. Business Interruption Insurance is the type of insurance that can cover the expenses in case hazards cause a business to close.

Damaged property of customers

is excluded in the coverage of Commercial Property.
General Liability Insurance can compensate for third party property damages.

Equipment in transit

is covered by Inland Marine Insurance. This type of insurance protects equipment that gets damaged while it's being transported to different workplaces.

Commercial Property typically does not cover earthquakes and floods unless added and listed on the policy. Learn more about
Commercial Earthquake and DIC Insurance.

How much does it Cost to Insure a Commercial Property?

Determining the costs to insure a commercial property depends on certain factors, such as the building’ and all your business Every business faces different risks and operating different firms.

Risk Factors that Affect your Insurance Premium:

If your building is made of potentially subversive components, the insurance cost gets higher. On the contrary, if you install fire retardant materials, it could be a big factor in lowering your rates.


Occupancy refers to the type of business you are operating and the risk that you may face. The industry that you work in may affect your rates. The number of customers and employees also can make a difference.

Claim history

Business insurance history claims primarily can affect your rates. In the event that your business filed several claims, your rates may go higher. This is because the history of claims shows that your business faces a large risk.


The location where your business operates is one factor that affects your premium rates. The insurance provider will ask where your business is located to determine how risky the place is for your business. They will determine if your business location is an area that is prone to extreme hazards. Keep in mind that higher risks of damage may lead to higher rates.

Commercial Property Insurance cost
How to Purchase Commercial Property Insurance?

How to Purchase Commercial Property Insurance?

Commercial Property Insurance can be purchased as an individual policy or as a part of a bundle that includes General Liability Insurance. Generally, you can choose to protect your business properties at their “Replacement Cost Value”- pays the recovery costs with new construction or “Actual Cash Value”- pays for the property’s present value.

Ask for our licensed insurance agent’s assistance to help you modify the right type of coverage that can address the risks your business currently encounter. Contact us, and we will provide our best insurance agents that will help you deal with your insurance needs.

Importance of Commercial Property Insurance

Whether your business is large or small, starting a business is tough. There are many risks around that can destroy your company in one snap. That is why having Commercial Property Insurance is necessary when starting a new company. It doesn’t matter if you lease or own the company; with the right Commercial Insurance coverage, you will get the protection that your business needs.

Commercial Property Insurance to protect your company

If you’re having a hard time finding the right insurance for your business, InsureHopper’s Affiliated Agents can help you look for the right coverage and affordable rates with a trusted insurance provider.
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