What Can Life Insurance Do? Create an instant estate...that is what life insurance will do for your family. Leave your heirs a tax-free sum to help ease their situation in life. Maybe they could use assistance with home repairs, a better vehicle, school supplies, medical bills, you name it. With life insurance, you can provide that assistance even after you're gone. Give peace of mind...think of it! What other product exists that will guarantee you the security of knowing your family is provided for in the event of you departing this world all-too-soon? Replace lost income...life insurance benefits can help replace your income if you pass away. Final expenses, funeral, medical bills you name it. First licensed as a Life Insurance Agent in 1993 when I realized that nothing can do for the average family what life insurance can. True in 1993, True today. I see first hand the great gap between the life insurance coverage needed by the households in every community and the actual coverage amount owned. I want to help close the gap.